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NSW Premier Chris Minns has made it clear that the west must stop taking all the growth and the eastern and northern suburbs must share the load of a growing city.

12 years of Liberal National Government saw an explosion of housing in our area without the schools, roads, hospitals, and other infrastructure to support this growth.

We all feel the pain of rising interest rates and the current housing affordability crisis.

We all recognise that we must build more homes to house our current and future generations.

Our community will always be willing to do our fair share to address this crisis

Everyone I speak to is sick of taking the growth that Councils in the Northern and Eastern suburbs are refusing to take - Enough is enough!

Please sign my petition to teIl these councils its time to take their fair share to ease the pressure on us. This will give us the time to catch up and build the schools, roads, hospitals, and public transport that we desperately need.